
The Ultimate Guide About Mariyamdawood

Aga Khan University as well as its hospital in Karachi is a center in the area of Pakistan’s medical research. Two of the donors like Bashir and Mariyamdawood mainly contributed to the growth of this university.

Top facts to know about the Aga Khan University

At the Aga Khan University, CIME is one of the top learning destinations for future healthcare professionals. The CIME is mainly having  3 no of main buildings as:

  1. Ibn sina Building
  2. Shiraz boghani building
  3. Mariyam Bashir dawood building

This center of medical studies mainly contains ample teaching spaces, well-developed simulators as well as specialized medical learning environments. These also include telemedicine clinics, the cardiac catheterization lab as well as the dental lab.

These hi-end facilities are being associated with well-developed communications technology. This mainly enables the medical experts to join the classrooms from anywhere in the world.

Top facts to know about MariyamDawood

Mariam Dawood along with her husband mainly contributed towards the development of world-class healthcare facilities.MariyamDawood and her husband Bashir, have been prominent contributors to the relief effort in Pakistan. They always work sincerely for those people who are in need. This includes the collection of funds, procuring the food as well as shelter supplies and other amenities. They also contributed greatly in the development of various medical facilities throughout the country. These are some of the important facts to know about Aga Khan University and Mariam and Bashir Dawood’s foundation.